Negotiate with Laurel: When You Should Make the First Offer

One of the most common questions I get as an executive compensation lawyer is if—and when—a client should make the first offer. Should you wait to hear what the other party has to say? How will the first offer impact the negotiation process overall? Often we are told to wait for the other side to […]

Bellows on Track for 2012

March 1, 2010 BY JAMES PODGERS ABA Journal It is not much of a secret that Laurel G. Bellows will become ABA president in August 2012. Bellows, a principal at the Bellows Law Group in Chicago who concentrates much of her business law practice on litigation matters, formally announced her candidacy at the midyear meeting […]

2010 Women in Law Leadership Academy

Posted Feb 7, 2010 1:35 PM CST By James Podgers Don’t tell anyone, but Laurel G. Bellows will become ABA president in August 2012. Bellows, a principal at the Bellows Law Group in Chicago who concentrates much of her business law practice on litigation matters, formally announced her candidacy today with a speech to the […]

Rite of Spring

ABA’s lobbying push on Capitol Hill focuses on access-to-justice issues Posted May 1, 2009 6:10 PM CST By Rhonda McMillion In an event that has become as reliable a ritual of spring in Washington, D.C., as the blossoming of the cherry trees lining the Tidal Basin, hundreds of lawyers representing the ABA made their way […]